In the name of God The Merciful, The Passionate
The Program and the Internal Rules of(The Kurdistan Islamic Union), approved by the Party Convention
The PreambleKurdistan Islamic Union (KIU) is a patriotic Kurdistan party, with an Islamic refere
KIU is a reformist patriotic party strives for construction of developed society and fair authority.
Kurdistan Islamic Unions strategic lines for the next four years
1- Developing the constitutional achievements of Kurdistan nation from federali
1- Invariable values and basics of Islam and the fixed bases of human values are the resources of political action.
2- Serving human ,regarding freedom and rights without discrimination is our basic duty , international treaties for human rights are
Our citizen
Activists, Journalists and Intelligent
Political parties
Dear brothers & sisters
Congratulation the 22nd anniversary of KIU, hope that our next anniversary be under more stable situation and better susten
Authorities in Iraqi Kurdistan are trying to solve the housing crisis in the area by handing out home loans to those wanting to build their own place and by providing low-income families with state housing. However, despite thousands of locals applyi
Property prices in the southern Iraqi city of Karbala are some of the highest in the land – and now it seems that the demand for burial sites near the city are starting to reflect this too. Locals who want to rest in peace near this holy city must pa